This index lists 91 papers from Allon Maxwell's BIBLE DIGEST series.
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1. I Believe
4. Some Things Protestants Have Forgotten About the Catholic Church
6. In the Beginning was the Word
8. Christians, Politics and Voting
9. Why I Left the Christadelphians
10. The Devil
11. Demons
12. How the Doctrine of the Trinity Came to the Church
13. Making Disciples
15. Pacifism
17. The Old Testament and Pacifism
19. Non Combatant Military Service and Pacifism
23. The Oneness Christ - Another Christ, Another Gospel
24. Water Baptism - For Remission of Sins and For Salvation
26. Tongues of Men
28. They Will Say That You Are Mad
29. Forbid not to Speak in Tongues
31. Bible Digest No 31 is no longer available
32. The Question About Divorce
34. What Did Paul Really Say About Divorce?
35. Divorce - The Passive Adultery Theory
36. Divorce and Remarriage the Pastoral Implications
37. Bible Digest No 37 is no longer available. The content of this paper has been divided into separate papers Nos. 34, 35, & 36
38. Divorce and Remarriage - A Brief Historical Review
39. What is "Porneia" - A Hebrew and Greek Word Study - In English
40. When God Divorced His "Wife" (Extract from no. 39)
42. Divorce and Remarriage - Sorting Out the Confusion of the Many Conflicting Theories
43. Divorce and Remarriage - New Words For New Hearts
44. Divorce and the Marriage Covenant
45. The Racovian Catechism - Origin and Summary
46. Jesus and the God of the Old Testament
47. Jesus and the God of the New Testament
48. The Importance of the Humanity of Jesus
49. The Development of Biblical Unitarianism
50. Blood Atonement and Our Salvation
51. Water Baptism - Commanded by Jesus For Christian Disciples
54. The Atonement - Reconciliation With God
55. Divorce and Remarriage - A Consideration of Matt 19:8 & Mark 10:5
56. The Four "Spiritual Laws" of Church Fund Raising
58. Who Gave You This Authority?
59. Covetousness
60. What Jesus Said About Oaths
61. Pacifism - Eating The Profits of War
63. Pacifism - Frequently Asked Questions
64. Homosexuality - My "Politically Incorrect" Religion
65. Equality With God - Not to be Stolen.
66. Did Jesus Exist Before He was Born? - FAQ.
68. The Toronto "Blessing" - or the Blessing of Abraham?
69. What is a "Different Gospel"?
71. Three Unclean Spirits Like Frogs
72. The Sabbath - Frequently Asked Questions
73. Bible Versions Before the King James Version
74. "Muth Temuth" - You Shall Surely Die
76. Caught Up to the Third Heaven
77. Lazarus and Abraham's Bosom
78. In My Father's House are Many Mansions
79. Calendars and Bible Calculations
80. Daniel’s Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks
81. Daniel’s Prophecy of the 2300 Evening/Mornings
82. The Chronology of the Old Testament - The Age of the Earth
83. Blessed are the Peacemakers
84. The Two Genealogies of Jesus
85. An Expanded Apostle's Creed
86. The Lord Said unto My Lord (Psalm 110:1)
87. The Foundation Stone Of The Church
88. Who Is God? (Sometimes It Isn't Who You Think!)
89. Who Is The "Lord God" In Revelation 1:8?
92. The Bible Codes - Nostradamus With A Computer?
93. The Gospel of the Kingdom of God
Part 1 - Old Testament Background
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Last Updated November 2024